
Examples to explain the behaviour of a fragment with and without addToBackStack

Fragment and Activity lifecycle


Option 1 – “addToBackStack()” is never used

Case 1A – adding, removing, and clicking Back button

Activity :      onCreate() - onStart() - onResume()                             Activity is visible
add Fragment A :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment A is visible
add Fragment B :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment B is visible
add Fragment C :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment C is visible
remove Fragment C :     onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               Fragment B is visible
(Back button clicked)
Activity :      onPause() - onStop() - onDestroy()
Fragment A :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()
Fragment B :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               App is closed, nothing is visible

Case 1B – adding, replacing, and clicking Back button

Activity :      onCreate() - onStart() - onResume()                             Activity is visible
add Fragment A :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment A is visible
add Fragment B :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment B is visible
(replace Fragment C)    
Fragment B :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               
Fragment A :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()
Fragment C :        onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment C is visible
(Back button clicked)
Activity :      onPause() - onStop() - onDestroy()
Fragment C :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               App is closed, nothing is visible

Option 2 – “addToBackStack()” is always used

Case 2A – adding, removing, and clicking Back button

Activity :      onCreate() - onStart() - onResume()                             Activity is visible
add Fragment A :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment A is visible
add Fragment B :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment B is visible
add Fragment C :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment C is visible
remove Fragment C :     onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView()                              Fragment B is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment C :        onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()                   Fragment C is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment C :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               Fragment B is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment B :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               Fragment A is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment A :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               Activity is visible
(Back button clicked)
Activity :      onPause() - onStop() - onDestroy()                              App is closed, nothing is visible

Case 2B – adding, replacing, removing, and clicking Back button

Activity :      onCreate() - onStart() - onResume()                             Activity is visible
add Fragment A :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment A is visible
add Fragment B :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment B is visible
(replace Fragment C)    
Fragment B :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView()  
Fragment A :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() 
Fragment C :        onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment C is visible
remove Fragment C :     onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView()                              Activity is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment C :        onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()                   Fragment C is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment C :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               
Fragment A :        onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()   
Fragment B :        onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()                   Fragment B is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment B :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               Fragment A is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment A :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               Activity is visible
(Back button clicked)
Activity :      onPause() - onStop() - onDestroy()                              App is closed, nothing is visible

Option 3 – “addToBackStack()” is not used always (in the below examples, w/o indicates that it is not used)

Case 3A – adding, removing, and clicking Back button

Activity :      onCreate() - onStart() - onResume()                             Activity is visible
add Fragment A :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment A is visible
add Fragment B w/o:     onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment B is visible
add Fragment C w/o:     onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment C is visible
remove Fragment C :     onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               Fragment B is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment B :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               
Fragment A :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               Activity is visible
(Back button clicked)
Activity :      onPause() - onStop() - onDestroy()                              App is closed, nothing is visible

Case 3B – adding, replacing, removing, and clicking Back button

Activity :      onCreate() - onStart() - onResume()                             Activity is visible
add Fragment A :    onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment A is visible
add Fragment B w/o:     onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment B is visible
(replace Fragment C)    
Fragment B :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()   
Fragment A :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() 
Fragment C :        onAttach() - onCreate() - onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()     Fragment C is visible
remove Fragment C :     onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView()                              Activity is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment C :        onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()                   Fragment C is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment C :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               
Fragment A :        onCreateView() - onActivityCreated() - onStart() - onResume()                   Fragment A is visible
(Back button clicked)
Fragment A :        onPause() - onStop() - onDestroyView() - onDestroy() - onDetach()               Activity is visible
(Back button clicked)
Activity :      onPause() - onStop() - onDestroy()                              App is closed, nothing is visible
OnBackPressedCallback(true) this will be block the user and you can handle action here
activity?.onBackPressedDispatcher?.addCallback(this, object : OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
    override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
        // in here you can do logic when backPress is clicked
        if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
            Log.i("TAG", " back pressed is blocked.")

OnBackPressedCallback(false) this will be not block the user and you can handle action here
activity?.onBackPressedDispatcher?.addCallback(this, object : OnBackPressedCallback(false) {
    override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
        // in here you can do logic when backPress is clicked
        if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
            Log.i("TAG", " back pressed is not blocked.")
By navalkishorjha

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